[ODFPlugtest] thanks + next plugfest ?

Hanssens Bart Bart.Hanssens at fedict.be
Mon Oct 22 11:26:19 CEST 2012

Hi Jakub,

that's good news.

Point 1: not sure if that would help for convincing the officials to _organise_ a plugfest,
but we do have two examples of letters to invite participants


Point 2: you'll find some info (and a script book) at the bottom of the wiki page

The document contains requirements and some hints on budget.
Main requirement is having a room for free, with enough power outlets and a good wifi network.

Best regards


From: Jakub Ondrusek [yak at gmx.co.uk]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 10:46 AM
To: Hanssens Bart
Cc: plugtest at opendocsociety.org
Subject: Re: [ODFPlugtest] thanks + next plugfest ?

Hey Bart,

We have been trying to push several of our public agencies to hold a
PlugFest here in Bratislava.

Now it's looking really promising, we have a good lead and we would be
aiming towards Spring/Summer 2013.

The only thing that is left is

1. Relevant material and perhaps an official letter introducing the
PlugFest and stressing its significance (have you used this with
previous Plugfests?

I'm compiling a presentation for our officials - are there any
materials, that have been used previously? Something we can give them
to persuade them?

2. A structured list of requirements, so they know, what it the minimum
we need (duration, expected number of participants, internet
connection, etc.)

I am almost sure, if there is nothing for point.1 I can produce
something myself, but perhaps you could give me some insight to
point.2? Or direct me to someone else?

jakub ondrušek
development lead

* +421 911 207 547
* jakub.ondrusek at comsultia.com
* Einsteinova 25, 851 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
* http://www.comsultia.com

On Sat, 20 Oct 2012 18:51:42 +0200
Hanssens Bart <Bart.Hanssens at fedict.be> wrote:

> Hi,
> a big "thank you" to Charles and Thorsten for providing the rooms for
> the ODF plugfest in Berlin :-)
> Suggestions on where / when to organize the next plugfest are welcome.
> Best regards
> Bart
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