[ODFPlugtest] Important changes to the agenda (and confirmations)

Alberto Barrionuevo abarrio at opentia.es
Fri Apr 9 13:38:10 CEST 2010

In summary: We can use the workshops room all the time in parallel to any 
other activity we have in the conference room.

So: I recommend to maintain both in the agenda, the Saturday and the Friday.

We have also programmed "special" activities for Saturday afternoon as you can 



On Friday 09 April 2010 09:40:57 Hanssens Bart wrote:
> >3) Finally, it is forced to make a change in the agenda because the
> > University is not available on Saturday morning for conferences, so we
> > have to interchange the part of the Friday afternoon (workshops) to the
> > Saturday morning (local agenda).
> This could be a problem for the international participants (probably a few
>  of them are leaving on Saturday and/or can't change their reservations)
> Is the computer room available Friday afternoon ? If the room is available,
>  I'd suggest to do the (international) workshop on Friday afternoon in the
>  computer room, and organize the Spanish talks at the same time in the
>  (different) conference room.
> (the Spanish talks are of course very interesting, but note that many
>  participants might not understand Spanish, at least not enough to easily
>  follow a technical presentation in Spanish....)
> If the computer room is not available on Friday afternoon, is there another
>  room or location (class room, cafe, student house,... ) with a few tables
>  (with or without internet) were the international participants can discuss
>  some topics, have a drink (paying for their own drinks), work on code
>  using their own laptop etc ?

Alberto Barrionuevo, Director
(+34) 639 70 84 94 [m]
(+34) 918 38 38 58 [t]
(+34) 954 32 00 64 [f]

                   O P E N T I A
Interoperabilidad y soluciones abiertas

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