[ODFPlugtest] Important changes to the agenda (and confirmations)

Hanssens Bart Bart.Hanssens at fedict.be
Fri Apr 9 23:09:19 CEST 2010

Ok, I've updated the program


Since the computer room is available both Friday afternoon and Saturday morning,
I've just splitted the agenda in "conference room" and "computer room".

That way we can be a bit flexible, and do some testing on Friday afternoon with the
participants that have to leave early on Saturday. In case most people can stay
until Saturday evening or Sunday, we can still decide to shift the testing to Saturday
and try to follow the Spanish presentations.

But that's probably easier to decide at the plugfest itself (a little bit of improvising :-)

In any case, it would be interesting if participants would  run some tests at home
(using existing scenarios or some of their own tests) to prepare for the event,
and/or think about who they would like to meet and what questions they may have
regarding (other) ODF implementations.

Best regards


From: Alberto Barrionuevo [abarrio at opentia.es]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 1:38 PM
To: plugtest at opendocsociety.org
Cc: Hanssens Bart
Subject: Re: [ODFPlugtest] Important changes to the agenda (and confirmations)

In summary: We can use the workshops room all the time in parallel to any
other activity we have in the conference room.

So: I recommend to maintain both in the agenda, the Saturday and the Friday.

We have also programmed "special" activities for Saturday afternoon as you can



On Friday 09 April 2010 09:40:57 Hanssens Bart wrote:
> >3) Finally, it is forced to make a change in the agenda because the
> > University is not available on Saturday morning for conferences, so we
> > have to interchange the part of the Friday afternoon (workshops) to the
> > Saturday morning (local agenda).
> This could be a problem for the international participants (probably a few
>  of them are leaving on Saturday and/or can't change their reservations)
> Is the computer room available Friday afternoon ? If the room is available,
>  I'd suggest to do the (international) workshop on Friday afternoon in the
>  computer room, and organize the Spanish talks at the same time in the
>  (different) conference room.
> (the Spanish talks are of course very interesting, but note that many
>  participants might not understand Spanish, at least not enough to easily
>  follow a technical presentation in Spanish....)
> If the computer room is not available on Friday afternoon, is there another
>  room or location (class room, cafe, student house,... ) with a few tables
>  (with or without internet) were the international participants can discuss
>  some topics, have a drink (paying for their own drinks), work on code
>  using their own laptop etc ?

Alberto Barrionuevo, Director
(+34) 639 70 84 94 [m]
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