[ODFPlugtest] preliminary test results

Dirk Moree Dirk.Moree at kinggemeenten.nl
Mon Sep 14 14:25:14 CEST 2015

Dear Jos,

Our developing partner for Softwarecatalogus.nl, Triquanta Websolutions, reports an issue in loading ODF 1.2 in Microsoft Word.
They use PHPWord versie 0.12.0 https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPWord

h2d_htmlconverter.php https://htmltodocx.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#htmltodocx_converter/h2d_htmlconverter.php

Problem was: MsOffice saw a generated odt as corrupt.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Dirk Moree
beheerder Softwarecatalogus.nl

Kwaliteitsinstituut Nederlandse Gemeenten (KING)
T: 070 373 8017
M: 06- 5204 3145
Nassaulaan 12
2514 JS Den Haag
dirk.moree at kinggemeenten.nl

Slimme gemeenten en samenwerkingsverbanden werken alleen nog met softwareproducten, die voldoen aan de standaarden van KING.
Kijk op www.softwarecatalogus.nl om te weten welke leveranciers en producten compliant zijn!
Kijk ook eens op de vernieuwde site Waarstaatjegemeente.nl!

Van: Plugtest [plugtest-bounces at opendocsociety.org] namens Jos van den Oever [jos at vandenoever.info]
Verzonden: zondag 13 september 2015 11:28
Aan: plugtest at opendocsociety.org
Onderwerp: [ODFPlugtest] preliminary test results

Dear plugfest subscribers,

[this email is rather technical in content]

We have some preliminary test results ready. These are very raw results. They
will be updated with fixes. (Tests can also have bugs.)
At the plugfest we will be going through selected tests as a group.
This will happen at the end of day one and on day two.

You may help select which ones we will discuss by replying to this mail.
The result of the discussion of tests will be a result of the plugfest. We
will be looking at whether there is really a bug detected and if so, it will
be recorded as finding of the plugfest and the problem will be communicated to
the implementor.

These links are temporary:

Please note that the current tests are limited to styling in text documents.
This is a large topic and the one for which we have tests at the
moment. Some implementations might do poorly in this particular set of tests,
but be prefectly fine in other, future, tests.

Short explanation of the reports:

Each test tests just data fidelity: is the style attribute that goes in, saved
The tests use named styles. Sometimes a style can seem fine visually, while the
named style has not retained the right information. That is considered a
failed test.
Each test has the ingoing odt linked, as well as the outgoing odt files. There
is usually also a pdf available. content.xml and styles.xml are also linked
from each test.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them.

Best regards,
Jos van den Oever

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Plugtest at opendocsociety.org

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