[ODFPlugtest] FW: ODF Plugfest UK

Hanssens Bart Bart.Hanssens at fedict.be
Wed Mar 2 20:55:55 CET 2011


first of all, thanks to all the participants of the ODF UK plugfest :-)

One of the attendees was Malcolm Newbury, who is already very active in other plugfests
(see message below). He highlighted the need for conformane documents and tools, any
thoughts ?

Best regards


From: Malcolm Newbury [Malcolm.Newbury at guildfoss.com<mailto:Malcolm.Newbury at guildfoss.com>]
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 2:25 PM
To: Hanssens Bart
Subject: ODF Plugfest UK

Hello Bart,

I was great to meet you and your colleagues at the ODF Plugfest. Many thanks and congratulations on chairing the event. The scenarios were interesting and participation levels excellent.

As you probably gathered from what I was saying, I would really like to help you and your colleagues evolve the ODF Plugfest into something like this<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTuLUfU87I4>.

Can you share around the contact addresses for the attendees? I only have a few, e.g. don't have the openforum europe guy's contact details, but there were quite a few people present I would like to follow up with.

They key first task would appear to be the development of conformance tests, but I believe that this could be done quite quickly with the right people involved. The second task would be the generation of tools and test data files . . . not insurmountable, then we just need get some good sponsorship for the marketing activity.

What are your thoughts?

Best regards

Email:  Malcolm.Newbury at guildfoss.com<mailto:Malcolm.Newbury at guildfoss.com>
   Tel:  +44(0)7795604065
 Web:  www.guildfoss.com<http://www.guildfoss.com>

Email:  Malcolm.Newbury at guildfoss.com<mailto:Malcolm.Newbury at guildfoss.com>
    Tel:  +44(0)7795604065
  Web:  www.guildfoss.com<http://www.guildfoss.com>

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