[ODFPlugtest] [Fwd: Re: Plugfest Confcall 12th March 2010 Action Notes NEXT CALL Friday 19th March 1200 UTC]

Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems Oliver-Rainer.Wittmann at Sun.COM
Fri Mar 19 14:02:52 CET 2010


for sack of completeness I am distributing Basil's collected action
notes from the ODF Plugfest planning call from last week (2010-03-12) - 
see below.

Basil volunteered to do the same for today's hold ODF Plugfest planning

Best regards, Oliver.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Plugfest Confcall 12th March 2010 Action Notes NEXT CALL
Friday 19th March 1200 UTC
Date: 	Fri, 19 Mar 2010 11:45:42 +0000
From: 	Basil Cousins <basil at openforumeurope.org>
To: 	Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems
<Oliver-Rainer.Wittmann at Sun.COM>
<b5376b661003160813q7c429d99w3f2ebf3ca570ce30 at mail.gmail.com>
<4BA084A5.2040208 at sun.com>


I append the corrected version of the notes for distribution:

Granada Plugfest

1)  Budget:  Verbally approved - PO awaited.  The agreed budget is
sufficient to cover organisation of Plugfest but does not cover the
students' rooms

2)  Invitations:  To be sent out once full budgetary approval received.
VERY URGENT.   Visa letter templates  to be sent to MV/AB by ML.

3)  Arrangements for Plugfest itself on Thursday and Friday in place but
still working on organising the Saturday and the visit to the Alhanbra.
Student rooms reserved but need to be booked and paid for individually.
This follows the pattern for previous plugfests.  OpenDoc Society can
subsidise a small number of delegates who need support. ML

4) Programme
Senior responsible of the Spanish Interoperability Framework from the
Ministry of Presidency".
has agreed to speak on Friday morning. This will mean adjustment to the
programme, transferring some talk's  to the Saturday morning.  A senior
member of the Spanish Interoperability Framework team has agreed to
present.  This could be included on the Saturday morning.

5) Internet support
Essential that this should be of a high level of quality.  Check with
University Authorities AB/ML.  Devise plan B in case of failure by
having access to Plugfest's own wireless  access point.  AB/MV/BH

6) Special subjects
Microsoft will shortly announce a Real Time Collaborative Editing
Capability in Office 2010. (a competitor to Google Docs capability).
This could be a massive challenge to ODF development.  We need to
research,debate and understand how ODF can respond  There are likely to
be other Microsoft integration innovations introduced in Office 2010.

An advanced version of OfficeShots will be available at Granada which
will enable any? aspect to be verified very quickly and thoroughly
including Microsoft implementations.  This could be scheduled for Friday AM.

It was proposed that the Interoperability Demonstrations should be
scheduled for the Saturday morning

7)  Pre-preparation.
It was agreed that for success, the whole plugfest needs to be
thoroughly well prepared.  We should agree a list of test scenarios and
identify an Exercise Leader for each.
Subjects should include:

Metadata handling in 1.2
Mixed list Track Changes
Clip Boards
Desk Top Interoperability.

8) Next Call
Friday 19th March 1200 UTC 1300CET.

On 17 March 2010 07:28, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun
Microsystems <Oliver-Rainer.Wittmann at sun.com
<mailto:Oliver-Rainer.Wittmann at sun.com>> wrote:

     Hi Basil,

     is it ok for you to forward your excellent summary of the last
     planning and resulting action notes to the ODF Plugfest mailing list
     (plugtest at opendocsociety.org <mailto:plugtest at opendocsociety.org>)?

     Best regards, Oliver.

     On 03/16/10 16:13, Basil Cousins wrote:

         Hi all,


         Granada Plugfest

         1)  Budget:  Verbally approved - PO awaited.  The agreed budget
         is sufficient to cover organisation of Plugfest but does not
         cover the students' rooms

         2)  Invitations:  To be sent out once full budgetary approval
         received.  VERY URGENT.   Visa letter templates  to be sent to
         MV/AB by ML.

         3)  Arrangements for Plugfest itself on Thursday and Friday in
         place but still working on organising the Saturday and the visit
         to the Alhanbra.  Student rooms reserved but need to be booked
         and paid for individually.  This follows the pattern for
         previous plugfests.  OpenDoc Society can subsidise a small
         number of delegates who need support. ML

         4) Programme
         A Spanish Government  Minister has agreed to speak on Friday
         morning. This will mean adjustment to the programme,
         transferring some talk's  to the Saturday morning.  A senior
         member of the Spanish Interoperability Framework team has agreed
         to present.  This could be included on the Saturday morning.

         5) Internet support
         Essential that this should be of a high level of quality.  Check
         with University Authorities AB/ML.  Devise plan B in case of
         failure by having access to Plugfest's own wireless  access
         point.  AB/MV/BH

         6) Special subjects
         Microsoft will shortly announce a Real Time Collaborative
         Editing Capability in Office 2010. (a competitor to Google Docs
         capability).  This could be a massive challenge to ODF
         development.  We need to research,debate and understand how ODF
         can respond  There are likely to be other Microsoft integration
         innovations introduced in Office 2010.

         An advanced version of OfficeShots will be available at Granada
         which will enable any? aspect to be verified very quickly and
         thoroughly including Microsoft implementations.  This could be
         scheduled for Friday AM.

         It was proposed that the Interoperability Demonstrations should
         be  scheduled for the Saturday morning

         7)  Pre-preparation.
         It was agreed that for success, the whole plugfest needs to be
         thoroughly well prepared.  We should agree a list of test
         scenarios and identify an Exercise Leader for each.
         Subjects should include:

         Metadata handling in 1.2
         Mixed list Track Changes
         Clip Boards
         Desk Top Interoperability.

         8) Next Call
         Friday 19th March 1200 UTC 1300CET.

         Please let me have any comments/corrections etc on these notes

         Best regards

         Basil Cousins

Sun Microsystems GmbH    Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
Nagelsweg 55             Software Engineer - OpenOffice.org/StarOffice
20097 Hamburg
Germany                  Fax:   (+49 40) 23 646 955
http://www.sun.de        mailto:oliver-rainer.wittmann at sun.com
Sitz der Gesellschaft:
Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1, D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder

Oliver-Rainer Wittmann (od) - OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS

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