[ODFPlugtest] Recording interviews in Granada

robert_weir at us.ibm.com robert_weir at us.ibm.com
Tue Apr 13 15:56:57 CEST 2010

I will be bringing some audio recording gear to Granada, hoping to record 
some interviews with participants. 

The OASIS ODF Adoption TC would like to start a regular 'podcast' of 
discussions with ODF implementers, users, etc.  For example, if you have 
an open source project related to ODF, we'd ask about the project, what it 
does, what versions of ODF are supported, why you chose ODF, are you 
looking for additional contributors, if so with what skills, etc.  Could 
also do interviews on related topics, such as views on ODF and 
interoperability, ODF and the semantic web, ODF 5 years later, etc.

We would publish the interview on http://OpenDocument.xml.org, a site 
which gets a lot of traffic.

So if you would like to be interviewed (brief 15 minutes or so), please 
let me or Louis Suarez-Potts know. 



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