[ODFPlugtest] Important changes to the agenda (and confirmations)

Alberto Barrionuevo abarrio at opentia.es
Fri Apr 9 03:35:09 CEST 2010

Hi all,  

[JFYI: this is one outdated e-mail that did not come out because a problem 
with my harddisk, but perhaps still interesting]

    this is just to announce you that two more hits have been reached in the 

1) A top civil servant of the Ministry of Presidency, in charge of the ENI 
development, has confirmed his availability to participate in the ODF Plugfest 
during the whole morning of the Friday.

2) It is confirmed a VIP visit to The Alhambra, the most visited monument of 
Spain. It is confirmed also that our guide will be one of the best 
archaeologist of Andalusia and former conservation manager of The Alhambra.

3) Finally, it is forced to make a change in the agenda because the University 
is not available on Saturday morning for conferences, so we have to 
interchange the part of the Friday afternoon (workshops) to the Saturday 
morning (local agenda).

Everything added to the agenda.

Alberto Barrionuevo, Director
(+34) 639 70 84 94 [m]
(+34) 918 38 38 58 [t]
(+34) 954 32 00 64 [f]

                   O P E N T I A
Interoperabilidad y soluciones abiertas

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