[ODFPlugtest] Updates to the live server

Sander Marechal s.marechal at jejik.com
Mon Jun 22 15:08:49 CEST 2009


Today I have rolled out several updates to the Officeshots.org
production server based on feedback I received during the ODF plugfest
last week.

- Results sent in from factories are now scanned for viruses as well
- Infected documents are now clearly shows using a custom biohazard icon
- You get a warning popup when you try to download an infected file.

That last part may sound a bit strange, but documents that trip ClamAV
are not deleted automatically so they can later be inspected manually by
e.g. factory authors.

- The login timeout issue should be solved now
- The result page automatically refreshes if there are pending results.
- The finished job counters on the requests overview has been fixed.

- More detailed description of the job status

The system now clearly differs between queued jobs, jobs that have been
sent to a factory and jobs that failed to complete in time.

- Mimetype issues have been solved

The problem discovered during the plugfest about wrong or multiple
mimetypes for documents has been resolved correctly, so the old clunky
hack has been replaced with a nice clean solution :-)

Officeshots now correctly recognises all ODF filetypes regardless of ZIP
version used for the ODF container. Note that the mimetype stream *must*
exist in the document container as described in the ODF 1.0 spec,
section 17.4 "MIME Type Stream". If that stream does not exist then
Officeshots will recognise your document as "application/zip" instead
and it will be rejected.

For all practical purposes that means that your document won't work if
you naively zip a couple of XML files together and change the file
extension. All the office applications I have seen will correctly
generate the MIME byte stream, but some developer toolkits do not.

Let me know if you see any problems or have more feature suggestions.

Sander Marechal
Lone Wolves Foundation

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