[NLnet Press] NLnet celebrates 40th anniversary of historical launch of EUnet

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Fri Apr 1 12:45:36 CEST 2022


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"Groundbreaking collaborative networking that helped shape the internet in Europe"

                                                          Amsterdam, April 1st 2022

*Today marks the 40th anniversary of the launch of the EUnet, the first public wide area network in Europe. The grass-roots dial-up service was established by the European Unix User Group (EUUG, later called EURopen), as a non-commercial community effort.*

On April 1st 1982, CWI's Teus Hagen (chairman of the EUUG and its Netherlands counterpart NLUUG) launched the EUnet at the EUUG spring conference in Paris, France. EUnet served four initial "backbones": Denmark, Netherlands, UK and Sweden. EUnet came to consist of various national networks, often linked to the national UNIX user groups. These were given colloquial names reflecting their regional coverage such as NLnet, DKnet and FNet. The standardised two letter national domain names as we know them today did not yet exist at the time.

In 1988, the largest of these national networks, NLnet (still operating from within CWI), premiered the first open transatlantic Internet connectivity ("open" as opposed to "private" links, mainly for military and military-related purposes, like SATNET) for Europe. Rapidly, many more networks started connecting. The subsequent success firmly established the new business model of internet as an alternative to the traditional telecom infrastructure. By 1989, the EUnet had grown to include 1,000 sites in 21 countries.

"The pioneering work of the people behind the EUnet and the early days of NLnet are still an inspiration to us today", says Bob Goudriaan, the current director of NLnet foundation. "At the time, dedicated pragmatists like Jaap Akkerhuis , Ted Lingreen and Daniel Karrenberg and their many international colleagues showed great creativity and resolve in overcoming the many challenges that come with establishing a new infrastructure from the ground up." They did not have big funds to their avail, but managed to achieve their goals nonetheless. This is the same pioneering spirit we still enjoy every day - through the many free and open source technology efforts our foundation funds through our open calls.

Due to corona, no major festivities are planned, but throughout the 40th anniversary year NLnet will publish interviews with some of the original pioneers and will be hosting several online events to commemorate and celebrate the historical work of the EUnet. Anyone that has ideas or historical materials to contribute is warmly invited to contact us.

Background information

- A more comprehensive overview of people involved with the early history of NLnet:
- The page about Jaap Akkerhuis in the Internet Hall of Fame:
- The page about Teus Hagen in the Internet Hall of Fame:
- The page about Daniel Karrenberg in the Internet Hall of Fame:

About NLnet Foundation

NLnet Foundation is an independent organisation whose means come from donations and legacies. The history of NLnet goes back to 1982 when a group of Europeans led by former NLnet director and member of the Internet Hall of Fame Teus Hagen announced the European Unix Network (EUnet) which became the first public wide area network in Europe and the place where internet was introduced to Europe. NLnet also pioneered the worlds first dial-in and ISDN infrastructure with full country coverage. In 1997 all commercial activities were sold to UUnet (now Verizon) and since that time NLnet has focused on supporting the open internet and the privacy and security of internet users.

Its private capital ensures an absolute independent position. The articles of association for the NLnet Foundation state: "to promote the exchange of electronic information and all that is related or beneficial to that purpose". NLnet's core business is to support independent organizations and people that contribute to an open information society and to a safe, secure and open internet.

Six times a year NLnet organises a worldwide open call for projects to be supported. The long list of NLnet-funded projects includes NLnet Labs, Tor project, Unhosted, Wireguard, Koruza, Serval, Jitsi, ARPA2, CeroWRT and GNUnet. NLnet currently funds several hundred cutting edge R&D efforts, and spearheads several large scale programmes as part of the Next Generation Internet initiative of the European Commission.

For further information contact: bureau at nlnet.nl or +31627050947

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