[ODFPlugtest] help prepare automated testing at the plugfest: set up an officeshots factory or try odfautotests

Jos van den Oever jos at vandenoever.info
Mon Nov 24 08:52:57 CET 2014

Hello all,

The 10th ODF plugfest will be held in two weeks time. So let's brush off the 
testing tools.

This weekend I've been working on OdfAutoTests [1]. I want it to work nicely 
with OfficeShots [2].

What is OdfAutoTests?
OdfAutoTests is a method to test small individual parts of the ODF 
specification. It can help answer questions like:
 "Does implementation X support list headers in text documents?"

You write this question in a fairly simple XML file. Running that file through 
OdfAutoTests will create an ODF file, run that file through the configured 
applications and write the results in a report file.

It is not possile to have all ODF implementations in one machine, so we cannot 
get complete results by running the tests locally. Luckily OfficeShots comes 
to the rescue. OfficeShots can pass the tests on to various machines to have 
the files tested there.

However, at the moment, there are not many factories online at 
officeshots.org. So my plea is: please help out by setting up factories to 
help make the plugfest a success. Dont worry about duplicate work: the more 
the merrier.

If you want the try out OdfAutoTest yourself or perhaps contribute to writing 
tests, that would be very much appreciated too.

Best regards,

[1] https://gitorious.org/odfautotests/odfautotests/
[2] http://officeshots.org/

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