[ODFPlugtest] Invitation for the Berlin 2012 plugfest

Michiel Leenaars michiel.ml at opendocsociety.org
Fri Sep 21 14:44:57 CEST 2012

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Dear recipient,

I have the pleasure to invite you on behalf of OpenDoc Society to
participate in the 9th ODF Plugfest, a two day interoperability event
on October 17th/18th 2012 kindly hosted by Bundesmin. fuer Wirtschaft
und Technologie. The event is held in conjunction with the annual
LibreOffice Conference, also to be held in Berlin at the same venue.

The ODF plugfests are a platform where different stakeholders around
Open Document Format join together to combine their knowledge and
technical experience on the details of ODF to improve product,
interoperability and in the end, customer satisfaction. Previous
plugfests have proven to be a useful instrument for vendors to
evaluate the interoperability between each others product in a
private setting.

On the first day a series of presentations will update you on the
status of ODF, present some new R&D projects and highlight
improvements and lessons learned in a number of implementations. On
the second day the actual testing will take place with vendors and
users going through several scenarios for creating and importing ODF
documents. Sitting side by side, the compatibility of documents
between applications in these scenario's can be easily checked and
openly discussed in the privacy of the workshop.

It is essential to have all stakeholders with an interest in ODF
engaged in furthering the implementation of ODF. We hope that you will
send a delegation or attend as a person, as well as participate
directly in the process.Past experience has shown developers and
technical management from larger and smaller vendors as well as
community leaders have valued the chance to attend and work on real
world interoperability.

The meeting host kindly asks you to register at http://odfplugfest.org
no later than October 8th, 2012, with your name and address. They
apologize for the inconvenience, which is due to security regulations
in ministry buildings. There is no fee required to participate in the
ODF plugfest, courtesy of OpenDoc Society. When you register, please
be so kind as to inform us in the comments in case you are registering
for the LibreOffice conference as well. This will help us to avoid
double registrations.

There are still some sponsor opportunities to help make the event even
more attractive, please contact OpenDoc Society for more details
(info at opendocsociety.org). If you yourself are not able to attend this
plugfest, but are aware of other representatives from your
organisation that are, can you please forward this information to them?

We will gladly help you out with any questions, and are happy to
provide assistance with a visa application. Please visit:
http://odfplugfest.org or contact:

plugtest-organisers at opendocsociety.org

We hope to see you in Berlin!


on behalf of the plugfest organisers
Michiel Leenaars
OpenDoc Society

N.B. If you want to host or help organise the 10th ODF plugfest, please
contact us at info at opendocsociety.org
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