[ODFPlugtest] conditional formatting in spreadsheets (ooo, gnumeric)

Hanssens Bart Bart.Hanssens at fedict.be
Fri Jul 1 10:13:45 CEST 2011


Another scenario: http://plugfest.opendocsociety.org/doku.php?id=scenarios:20110715:conditional
Conditional styles in spreadsheets (e.g.: different colors for different values between 1 and 10)

I've noticed that the GUI of OOo / LO still only allows for 3 conditional styles to be set, although 4 or more styles can be used if one edits the ODF manually.
This is a long-standing feature request / bug : http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=8812

Andreas: I've also downloaded Gnumeric 1.10.16 for Windows, and it seems that gnumeric supports conditions (Format > Cells > Format).
But the "Conditions" tab is grayed out and the documentation does not say much about it (some screenshots show the tab, some don't, but no further info).
So is conditional formatting already possible in Gnumeric ?

Best regards


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