[ODFPlugtest] plugfest next meeting--Thursday 27 Jan ?

Louis Suárez-Potts Louis.Suarez-Potts at Oracle.com
Wed Jan 26 15:57:19 CET 2011

there are several of us interested in the Thursday meeting coming up for the plugfest… But I cannot find the information to call in for it. Would you  have it? I'd like to invite, for the plugfest meeting this Thursday, and for subsequent ones, members of the OIC TC. Cherie, I, and probably others want to participate.

Is that okay?

As well, we briefly discussed on the OIC meeting today the idea of proceeding more programmatically for subsequent plugfest meetings, so that by the end of a narrative cycle we have achieved some goal of conformacy, say, or index of support, or some other metric by which we can claim that this or that implementation satisfies this or that set of criteria.

Obviously, the OIC TC is not really the best place for that and I will be proposing later on a better place, but I think having it as a goal is useful, as it may help (I should think, "would") us focus attention—both ours and the world's.

For now, let's see if we can invite non-plugfest attendees but interested people to the meeting this Thursday.

BTW, I think I'm subscribed to plugtest-organisers… and plugtest@, but let's see…



Louis Suarez-Potts, PhD
Community Development Manager

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