[ODFPlugtest] Thanks, and a validation question

J.M. Maurer uwog at abisource.com
Sun Oct 17 20:52:07 CEST 2010

Hi all,

First of all I'd like to thank Bart again for the excellent get-together
last Thursday and Friday. 

I'd also like to thank the Office-o-tron developers, it's an excellent
developer tool: I've just fixed a nice set of little errors in AbiWord
because of it.

Finally, I'd like to ask for a little help here. When I run
http://uwog.net/~uwog/bulletedList.odt through the Office-o-tron online
tool[1] I get the following error:

  (line 21) element "list-level-properties" from namespace
  "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0" not allowed 
  in this context

It is inside an <text:list-level-style-bullet> element. Now if I look at
the 1.2 draft spec, I see in section "16.31

   "The <text:list-level-style-bullet> element has the following 
   child elements: <style:list-level-properties> 17.19 and
   <style:text-properties> 16.27.28"

So I think I miss something really trivial here, but why do I get that
validation error? The spec does suggest it is perfectly fine what we do.
The first person to present the correct answer gets a free AbiWord


[1] http://www.probatron.org:8080/officeotron/officeotron.html

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