[ODFPlugtest] ODF evenement 15/10 : parking / public transport

Hanssens Bart Bart.Hanssens at fedict.be
Mon Oct 4 23:07:44 CEST 2010


some practical info:

* By car

The building is at the intersection of the "Kleine Ring (Boudewijnlaan)" and the "Koning Albert II laan"
Boudewijnlaan 30, 1000 Brussels.

There is a parking garage just behind the building (Antwerpsesteenweg), but please note that the
number of  parking spots is very limited. First come, first served.

There are of course other parking lots (about 15 EUR /day): http://www.interparking.com/public/
If you're a speaker, and your company does not reimburse parking tickets, you may send me an
email with your (scanned) parking ticket and bank account number.

* By public transport

The building is within 10 minutes walking distance of the Brussels North railway station ("Brussel
Noord" in Dutch, "Bruxelles-Nord" in French)

Walk towards plaform 1, continue to the shopping area in the main building and follow directions
to the main exit (CCN, place S.Bolivar, WTC).

At the roundabout, turn left into the "boulevard du Roi Albert II / Koning Albert II laan", and follow
this road. The building  is at the end of this street, on your right hand side, at the intersection with
the "boulevard Boudewijn / Boudewijnlaan".

Note that Eurostar and Thalys travellers will arrive at Brussels South /Brussel Zuid /Bruxelles-Midi.
Then again, Brussels isn't that big, so one can travel from South to North in 15 - 20 minutes.
Mail me if you need directions.

For those preferring the subway: the Boudewijnbuilding is located between metro stations Rogier
and IJzer / Yser. Trams / busses are also nearby.

Best regards


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