[ODFPlugtest] next plugfest, program "format"

robert_weir at us.ibm.com robert_weir at us.ibm.com
Mon May 31 20:33:07 CEST 2010

plugtest-bounces at opendocsociety.org wrote on 05/31/2010 04:15:01 AM:

> Testing (especially between plugfests), however, could IMHO
> be improved...

I agree. 

My perception is that when we do the testing scenarios, we have only 50% 
of the people working on tests, while others in the room read email or 
discuss other items.  I'm sure that in many cases they are discussing 
other ODF topics.  But it does suck some of the energy out of the testing 
effort if attentions are divided this way.

There are a few ways this could be addressed:

1) Have all test scenarios provided at least 2 weeks before the Plugfest. 
Everyone does their "homework" in advance of the plugfest.  We use our 
time together then to compare and discuss results and how to address any 


2) An approach I used in interop workshops.  Bring each vendor up to the 
front of the room and have them show how the files displayed using their 
implementation.  So if I was representing Symphony, I would load the MS 
Office document, the KOffice document, the OpenOffice document, etc.  Not 
only is it easier to see some patterns this way, it gets everyone focused.


3)Have the scenario leaders give more structure to their sessions.  For 
example, "Here is a scenario at this URL.  You will have 15 minutes to 
create this scenario in your editor and upload it to the Wiki.  At 13:15 
we will regroup and look at the results".  Maybe then you do as #2 above, 
or take each results file (say Symphony.odt) and have all implementations 
open it at the same time to compare results.



Have two rooms, one for testing and one for side conversations.  Anyone 
who is not working on a scenario should leave the testing room, giving a 
smalerl, but more concentrated set of people working on scenarios. 


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