[ODFPlugtest] Brussels plugfest, presentations and scenarios

robert_weir at us.ibm.com robert_weir at us.ibm.com
Wed Jun 16 15:35:11 CEST 2010

plugtest-bounces at opendocsociety.org wrote on 06/16/2010 05:51:16 AM:

> I'm updating the plugfest wiki, adding news about the October 14-15 
> plugfest in Brussels

> Day 1 could be oriented to office productivity: office suites, viewers 
> Day 2 could be tools-oriented: libraries, validators,  etc
> I think most of us are familiar (and are hopefully happy) with the 
> product updates from
> vendors and projects, and the progress on the standard itself.
> On day two, I'd also love to see some presentations on the ODF forms
> and (1.2) database
> features (any takers ? IBM ? Oracle ?), we hardly talk about these 

How many vendors implement these features?  It is hard to do interop work 
on a feature if it is only supported by one product.
> About the scenarios: still waiting for more ideas on how to handle 
> them :-) I think we all
> agree that they should be available up-front

1. Provide a scenario that everyone can attempt.  Keep the group focused 
and give them a time limit, like 10 minutes to complete the scenario. This 
is not interop work yet.  It is just preparation.  In theory everyone 
could do it in advance of the Plugfest, but realistically no one ever has 
time.  So I'd expect to spend 15m for each scenario creating the files.

2. Then collect all of the files, either on a USB stick or wiki or ftp or 
whatever is fastest.

3. Each vendor then takes a turn going up to the front of the room and 
projects their app loading each one of the files from the scenario. Expect 
to take 10 minutes for each vendor.  So if I am up there with Symphony, I 
will load the OOo version of the file, the MS Office version, the KOffice 
version, the Google docs, version, etc.

4. We collectively point out rendering errors.  Someone (maybe the 
scenario leader, maybe a 2nd person) has the responsibility of recording 
the problems observed.

5. Plan on 60 minutes per scenario.  So maybe 10m to create the docs, 10 
minutes per vendor with maybe 4 vendors, and 10m for discussion.  You take 
1 hour for the full scenario, but you are able to accomplish an N! set of 
tests and record all of the issues and have quick discussion on the 
patterns observed.

I've done this approach before, and it can work, but we would really need 
to focus on the scenario.  So everyone working on the scenario needs to go 
to the front of the room.  Warm bodies reading email need to move out of 
the way, etc.

> Would participants prefer to:
> - re-run the existing scenarios ?
> - have new, small scenarios focused on specific features ?
> - have a few complex, real life scenarios (that will reveal multiple 

Maybe a mix.  But I would rather have a smaller number of in-depth 
scenarios that result in real lessons than a large number of scenarios 
that are touched very lightly and result in no improvements.  I think the 
key is to focus.
> In addition, there's probably some homework to do (see the results 
> of the officeshots
> validators ;-) on improving conformance of the implementations.
> Best regards
> Bart
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