[ODFPlugtest] {Disarmed} Joining forces in ODF tooling...

Svante Schubert Svante.Schubert at Sun.COM
Fri Apr 16 12:57:11 CEST 2010

Here at the Plugfest where presentations of very interesting approaches 
on testing, like from Officeshot, KOffice and of course we added our 
ideas with ODFDOM, ODF Toolkit Validator and ODF modularization to this 

As we are all have more ideas than resources, would it makes sense to 
test tool providers to join ressources on finding/creating the basic ODF 
tools? I believe we all need:

   1. ODF XML comparance tool - we started already prototyping on an ODF
      Unit tool based on XML Unit.
   2. ODF Validator - XML validation and ODF Conformance clauses, e.g.
      on ODF package (ODFDOM will use
      <http://odftoolkit.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=66> SAX
      Errorhandler interface
      We might find as well criteria to improve our validator output
      (e.g. reference to ODF conformance clauses) and to find regression
      tests for our ODF validators.
   3. ODF Application Visualization regression test tool - we use
   4. ODF Modularization approach - to allow lean/fast tests, revealing
      the exact ODF support of an ODF application, by earlier cluster
      the ODF XML tree into an ODF feature tree using user scenarios,
      creating test descriptions.

I would suggest to discuss technical details about sharing test tool 
efforts on the ODF Toolkit dev list dev at odftoolkit.odftoolkit.org
<http://odftoolkit.org/lists>Would be happy if we could share our 
efforts on a base of test tools to be used on our main ODF testing 
sites, as Officeshots.

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