[ODFPlugtest] accessibility scenarios and re-running previous scenarios

Hanssens Bart Bart.Hanssens at fedict.be
Mon Nov 16 18:41:54 CET 2009


I've been testing a few of the accessibility scenarios kindly provided by Mingfei,


with of course some interesting results :-)

It might be a nice idea if some volunteers could re-run the previous scenarios
with newer versions of their favorite software. Using the "backlinks" module of the
wiki, it's fairly simple to see where a implementation has some issues.

For example, for Symphony, one can go the plugfest wiki, click on "implementations"
select Symphony and follow the "backlinks" links. This will show you what scenarios
are known to have issues in Symphony. 

Then of course, you have to click at each link to these scenarios, and dive into the
issue list. Not as fancy as a bug track tool, but works quite well for our purposes.

Best regards,


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