[ODFPlugtest] summary of the The Hague plug fest, commitments

Sander Marechal s.marechal at jejik.com
Thu Jun 18 14:26:02 CEST 2009

Jakub Ondrusek wrote:
> The validator is currently a par of the Cyclone3 Framework, which is under
> GPLv2. Currently we are in the process of forking it to a separate project,
> so that it can be further developed as a standalone script and incorporated
> to Officeshots. That way we can also give separate commit access to more
> people.
> The default license for it will probably be GPLv2, but GPLv3 is also ok if
> its better for the project. 

Officeshots is currently (A)GPLv3. You can use GPLv2 but be sure to
include the "or later" clause so that I can use it under GPLv3.

As for other projects that want to use your validator, perhaps LGPLv2/3
or even MIT/BSD would be more appropriate? I don't know what other
projects are out there that would like to include your validator and
what licenses they are under.

Sander Marechal

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