[ODFPlugtest] summary of the The Hague plug fest, commitments

Jan H Wildeboer jwildebo at redhat.com
Thu Jun 18 11:51:35 CEST 2009

Sander Marechal wrote:

> I could then provide optional support for other validators as well on
> the request or result pages.

... which will utimately lead to a meta validator that validates the
validators ;-)

IMHO it is dangerous to use more than one validator. I think we (as in
the ODF community at large) *must* decide on one single authoritive
validator. Ideally this decision should be done on the TC level.

It's the same as with watches. If you have one watch, you know what time
it is, if you have two watches, you are never sure ;-)

IMHO it is a waste of time to start wars ala implentor #1 declares he is
all right as his validator of choice is happy, but implementor #2
refuses his change requests as some other validator claims different

Already now I aks the question: How can I be sure that a validator
behaves correct? Who gives me YEA/NAY on the existing validators?

I strongly urge all implementors of validators to come up with an agreed
checklist that has to be fulfilled 100% before you can claim that your
validator is errrr valid ;-)

Right now we need assurance and not more and more distraction. Lots of
validators DO NOT help to get more interop working.


Jan H Wildeboer          |
EMEA Open Source Affairs | Office: +49 (0)89 205071-207
Red Hat GmbH             | Mobile: +49 (0)174 33 23 249
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D-85609 Dornach/Munich   | eMail:  jan.wildeboer at redhat.com

Reg. Adresse: Red Hat GmbH, Otto-Hahn-Strasse 20, 85609 Dornach bei Muenchen
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Muenchen HRB 153243
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Brendan Lane,Charlie Peters,Michael Cunningham,
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