[ODFPlugtest] Welcome Mail ODF Plugfest The Hague 15|16 June

Preparation for ODF Plugfest and other plugtesting activities plugtest at opendocsociety.org
Tue Jun 9 22:06:15 CEST 2009

Dear participants,

Welcome to the plugfest mailing list. The first ODF plugfest will be
held next week in The Hague. With participants from Asia, North America,
South America and Europe and representation from a lot of key players,
we are looking forward to what promises to be a very interesting and
useful event. This mailing list will serve as our common communication
hub for the plugfest. There is also a wiki for this event, which is
available at:


(if you haven't received your account details, let us know - sometimes
aggressive anti-spam techniques kill the registration emails before you
get to see them).

Please read the following mail carefully, we have some requests for you
which are important for a successful and efficient event:

- can you please make sure your applications are available through   
  Officeshots.org prior to the workshop. If you don't know how to 
  do that or run into any issues while following the manuals provided 
  on the site, please ask assistance from Sander Marechal  
  (sander.marechal at jejik.com) or contact one of the organisers.

  In an ideal case you have the last major release of your tool(s) and
  the latest development build within Officeshots.org. This will allow
  everyone to test against the most relevant versions of your software. 
  If you run your Officeshots.org client from the laptop you are taking
  to the plugfest as well, or have a remote machine on which you can you
  recompile with patches, you can easily provide new versions as you
  debug during the event. 

  There are actually two instances of Officeshots, one for the main
  audience and another one just for developers of new factories
  (dev.officeshots.org). You can take your pick.

- If your company or developer community has implementation notes of
  its ODF implementation, please bring some printed copies along or
  upload a printable version to the wiki before Thursday so the
  organisers can print it for you. 

- The ODF OIC has prepared a simple test scenario, which every 
  participant is asked to replicate in his or her application. You can 
  find this at:


  We will send you an email to remind you of above points later.

- It is appreciated (though not mandatory) to bring some copies and
  activation keys of your software along, to exchange with the other 

- if you have any wishes or suggestions, please use the wiki at


  This is also the right place for uploading whatever other information 
  you may have, concerning historical application formats and their 
  mapping to ODF, test documents and scenario's, etc. Of course you can 
  also send something to this mailing list.

We hope you will enjoy the plugfest, and are ready to help you to make a
success out of this effort. In order to guarantee your safe arrival and 
enjoyment, please find attached some additional information on the
programme, some information on the venue and its surroundings and a
route description.

Kind regards, 
on behalf of the organisers,

Fabrice Mous
+31 648 58 51 62 

Michiel Leenaars 
OpenDoc Society
+31 6 27050947

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